(952) 933-3575

Monday - Friday | 8:00AM - 4:30PM CST

Dealer Automotive Services, Inc.

1102 South Fifth Street
Hopkins, MN 55343

Remote Start Range

7-11-13  Customers will often tell me that range doesn’t matter to them when picking a remote start.  Their car is right outside their home or office when they want it to start so no need for excessive range.  The problem is they are not always at work or home when they want to start the car.  Perhaps they’re at the grocery store or mall.  At that point anything between them and the car will interfere with the actual range of the remote start system.  Even something like a parking ramp can diminish the range of a remote starter.

When deciding on a remote start unit we always recommend that the customer determine how much range they think they will actually need.  Then we tell them to DOUBLE that number and pick a unit.  The price difference for getting additional range is negligible and the benefits are significant.  In this case more really is more.